Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Columbus Day

Should we celebrate Columbus day? (meaning is Christopher Columbus a hero or a villain?)

It is fact that Columbus was not the first person to discover the Americas. It is known that the vikings previously discovered the Americas and when Columbus arrived he was greeted by Native Americans already living there. Although Columbus did not actually discover the Americas he is still the icon of the Americas. Whenever someone thinks about the discovery of the Americas Christopher Columbus always comes to mind. He may not have discovered the Americas but he did play a significant role in establishing the Americas and making it what it is today, because of this I think that he is a hero and that we should celebrate Columbus day.


  1. I like your point. He was the one that made the New World known. He was the person to announce that, "HEY!! There is something here!", and without that, anyone could be credited for 'discovering' it.

  2. I agree with you in seeing the positive that Columbus is what promoted the Americas. Good point :)

  3. Mmmhmmmm! We should have a "Lief Ericksson Day" instead! He's the real hero here! He found Newfoundland in present day Canada! ^_^
