Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To what extent was the Jeffersonian Era (1800-1828) consistent with the vision of Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson's vision on the future American government and society greatly contradicted the visions of the federalist. Unlike Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson believed in a government where majority of the power was held within the state governments. Jefferson and his followers, the anti-federalist, wanted a government that was mainly held together by independent farmers. Jefferson did not like the idea of industries and commerce, he supported the idea of an agrarian society. The anti-federalist feared a too powerful centralized government, so Thomas Jefferson wanted a federal government that was greatly limited. He believed that all Americans should be exposed to the scientific rationalism of the Enlightment which was a part of the proposal of universal education. During Jefferson's years as president, many of his visions did not come true. Instead of keeping an agrarian society with many farmers, industrialization began to increase. With increasing numbers of industries, commerce also increased. Unfortunately education continued to be something the select "elites" got to participate in. The American society during the Jeffersonian Era was far from the simple society that Jefferson had in mind. Although some of Jefferson's ideals became true during the Jeffersonian Era, most did not. Thomas Jefferson's vision of the government was very inconsistent with the actual government during the Jeffersonian Era.

1 comment:

  1. I see what you are saying, but I don't think I would say that his visions were very inconsistent. Other problems involving our nation came up that distracted his attention. British suppression, the Louisiana Purchase, the Napoleonic wars in Europe. He had to make far bigger decisions that had to be made, no matter if the president was Democratic-Republican or Federalist. He did attempt to make some changes like cutting government and military spending, simplifying to government, and focussing on developing the Judicial Branch instead of the executive branch to ensure that we were given our rights and recieved fair treatment in court. So I wouldn't say the Jeffersonian Era was inconsistant with his visions, just some of his expectations fell short due to even larger problems. A president does not have time to do everything he wants in only a few years.
